I read that line written in faded blue paint on a random building outside of Xela, Guatemala...and after a year of having it tucked into all the memories of that summer, I think I finally understand it. Experience does make a difference, my time in Guatemala made a big difference in me. So, why not gather as much as you can and see the difference it makes in you? This blog has changed and grown and expanded beyond the simple experience of a summer in Guatemala. It is still devoted travel and seeing the world, but it's also about personal growth, and life lesson learned. Now, thanks to a magnanimous boss and a year of living like a miser, this blog will follow me through the next two months in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.
Reading my Guatemala posts I realized I thought, felt, spoke and learned more deeply when I was in an environment that was continually challenging me. Guatemala was a constant adventure in that speaking, interacting, creating relationships, getting from one place to another, everything required effort. The simple fact that I was suddenly a minority with a shaky grasp on the language and little social context forced me to be adaptable, creative, and doubly responsive to offers of help. Everything about that experience made a difference in me, and I'm sure this one will too. Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic will present their own set of challenges. They have a unique history, culture, patois, cuisine and transporation system, and yet (in the case of PR) are still experiencing the influence and umbrella of the United States. I can't even imagine what an interesting dynamic that has created.
The Dominican Republic is still somewhat of a mystery to me. I regret that I have not spent more time in the months prior to this experience learning more about the the history and culture of this nation who shares a border with one the poorest most environmentally degraded countries in the world. Hopefully lazy afternoons spent on Puerto Rican beaches will provide ample time to study up before we step on the boat.
At the date of publication, I have five days until my flight into San Juan, and I can only assume they'll be an experience in themselves. So much to do, so much to pack, so much to plan, so many goodbyes. I can't help but wonder what my world view will look like come December 19th. Here's to a little more life experience!